The Warner Sallman Collection


Icons of American Protestantism

Icons of American ProtestantismAlthough American Protestants often claim that they are opposed to the use of devotional images in their religious life, they in fact draw on a vast body of religious icons to disseminate confessional views, to teach, and to celebrate birthdays, baptisms, confirmations, and sacred holidays. This fascinating book focuses on the production, marketing, and reception of one such set of religious illustrations, the art of Warner Sallman.

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Master Painter: Warner E. Sallman

Master Painter: Warner E. Sallman“The time has come,” argues Jack R. Lundbom, “for a broader public to know the man who stands behind the paintings and other artwork bearing the Sallman signature.” Master Painter is a fascinating story of a gifted man with humble beginnings who overcame disappointment, ill health, and personal limitations in order to live out a vision: that his art serve not only the enjoyment of humankind, but the practical end of instructing persons in the ways of God. …”

To read more or to purchase this book, visit the Mercer University Press Web site.